$ cat english100summary.txt         
    "When we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never a single story about any place, 
    we regain a kind of paradise." (Chimamanda Adichie)

Hey There! Thanks for coming by to take a look at my summary for the English 100 course that I have taken. 
I'd like to take a moment to go over some of the ideas that I have learned throughout the course, as well as 
the topic that I chose to base my research project on.
The most important skill that I have reinforced with the course would be taking an analytical approach in ensuring 
that I have a balanced opinion on any stories or ideas that I read or consider in my life. 
I chose the rather personal and controversial topic of transgender issues to base my research project on. 
Utilizing this skill was critical in the selection of sources, as well as in the writing of the final essay itself. 
I’ve also honed my ability in source citation, which should be useful in any future academic courses I take. 
The literature examined during the course has been quite diverse and enlightening, too! 
I’m glad that I had the opportunity to work with such an excellent instructor as well. 
